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Sponsorship Opportunities  

Sponsorship Levels

Community Sponsor - $250 to $499

Supporting Sponsor - $500 to $1,499

Vie elite sponsor t-shirt,  business name on game day team shirt, and VE cap, Link featuring your business on sponsorship page. 


VE Sponsor - $1,500 to $3,999

VE Silver Sponsor - $4,000 to $5,999

VE Gold Sponsor - $6,000 to $9,999

VE Platinum Sponsor - $10,000 to $14,999

VE Elite Sponsor - $15,000 or more


Vie elite sponsor t-shirt, business name on team shirt, VE cap,

Featured on social media sites ( twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Ticktock) and a thank you plaque for our gratitude.




Vie Elite Sponsorship Form

Interested in sponsoring Vie Elite? Thank you! We are grateful for all sponsorships! All Sponsorships will help elevate young athletes! You are taking part of building our youth and community in a positive way! 


Submit your information and we will contact you as soon as possible. 


Thank you for your submission!

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